Welcome to the Atmosphere Page
This section of where you can
find Adobe Atmosphere Tutorials. Most are in the form of videos, and are in the .ogv
Format. Click on the above title for Atmosphere Tutorials. Here are some
Public Worlds Listing
Click on the above heading to
access the Public Worlds Listing. The Public Worlds Listing page shows all
Atmosphere Worlds that were made public by their creators.
This is made possible by the use of a ctl file (worldname.ctl). To make a world
public, the creators of the worlds must place a line of code like this: Private = N
If the world is intended to be private, then the code is: Private =
Y or omit this line. (default is private)
There are other lines of information that should be placed in the control file such as
Description = World Name
MaxPeople = 20 (or any number)
Headroom = 5 ( MaxPeople / 4 )
DefaultChat = Y ( N for no chat )
Private = N ( or Y or omit )
ModeratorPass = JoyBTWpVPC2ho
(your code will be different)
BroadcastPass= JoyBTWpVPC2ho
(your code will be different)
Language=English (or another)
Category = General Chat (or other)
Contact = you@yoursite.com (or your website) |

Public World Stats
Click on the above heading to access the Public
World Stats. This will show a listing of Populated worlds (if any), and the number
of people in these worlds.
Anyone may enter a 3D Atmosphere World if you already have the Atmosphere Player Plugin
Atmosphere will also run on a MAC with Windows emulation (Parallels is one and by now
there may be another.)
If you have a Video card that is supported by the Atmosphere program, then you should be
in Acceleration Rendering mode when you enter an Atmosphere world.
If not, then your video card is not on the support list. You will have to
download the free HWCONFIG.ZIP program,
(also virus free and safe -- * I still use it!) HERE.
*link is needed here*
because many webhosts or browsers do not allow EXE files to be downloaded. Once you
download the file, you must rename it to HWCONFIG.EXE as it needs to have the EXE ending. I always check files that I
download from the internet with my AV to be safe, and though this file is virus free, I
always recommend that you check it with your own AV, or MalwareBytes, or FixmeStick.
This is what I do and have remained malware and virus free for many years.
Install it, run it, then follow the directions to configure the Atmosphere
program to use your video card. Once completed, enter any Atmosphere world. You
should now have Hardware Acceleration Rendering. All Atmosphere worlds ( 3D
environments) must be viewed using Hardward Acceleration to be displayed correctly.
I recommend that you test this by clicking Eric Chan's environment called "South Seas
Chat" below. Its a simple environment and should load in quickly. It
should appear clearly on your screen. Try other environments below such as
"Lostnight" by the atmosphere development team. It should also appear
chrystal clear. If not, check to be sure that Hardware accelaration shows up in the
Display tab in the player's Preferences.
If you cannot see the Preferences option, Right-Click in the
environment window, Click Window, Click Preferences,
then click on the Display tab. Both "Preferred
Render" and "Active Render" should read as "Hardware
Above this block, there is a section where you can find out about the Atmosphere
Tutorials. You can access the tutorials by clicking there or simply click Atmosphere Tutorials. You will then
be taken to the Tutorials page. You will find a video tutorial that will show how to
install HWCONFIG.EXE and how to use the program to configure your Atmosphere Player
plug-in as well as other tutorials and tips.
Here is a link to
the Adobe Atmosphere Wikipedia Site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Atmosphere

Here are some of my Atmosphere Worlds
After implementing https:// these links no longer work.
I will have to look for a work-a-round!

Click on the image
A 3D World of a small section of Cydonia region on Mars at 36N x 12W.
There is a synchronized sci-fi spaceship that users can fly by entering word
commands in the chat line. Created from a DEM file.

Click on the image
A 3D World of the largest volcano in our solar
system. Olympus Mons is an inactive volcano at present. It is Huge!!!
Created from a DEM file. |

Click on the image
A 3D World called Town. This is a sci-fi
world. I placed a spaceship in it that visitors can fly. Word commands are
like the ones in Cydonia. There is also a Chat bot than visitors can communicate
with. |

Click on the image.
A 3D World called SpaceVoyage. An interesting world
that visitors enter through a room in a space ship which "flying" in some remote
region of space. Take the lift to the upper deck and click HELP on Panel. |

Click on the image
Lostnight was created by the Atmosphere
Development Team. I made one modification by adding a moving water element. |

Click on the image
South Seas Chat was created by Eric Chan. I have placed it
here as a memory of the earlier beta Builder, as it was called. Love the sunset. |

Click on the Image
Originally created by the Atmosphere Team, and modified by me.
Added a Total Solar Eclipse, a few stars, and orange glow sky effect. |

Click on the Image
Island was created by me. You can hear birds and ocean waves.
The tides rise and lower by the time of day or night.
Dynamic lighting is used and the direction of sunlight moves by the hour. Nice
effect! |
World to be added in the future. |
World to be added in the future. |
This page was last updated on Friday, February 21, 2025.