I welcome
you to my Astronomy page. Currently I only have a few photos here (Astro
photography) from back in the 1970's. My telescope had a clock drive, which was used
for the timed exposures. I no longer do photography nor develop my own black and
white film. The digital age as I call it, is here. I do not own a digital
camera at present, but may purchase one in the future. It would be interesting if it
came with an accessory to mount it on my telescope, and take a timed digital photo.
I would hope that a feature like that is incorporated in these digital cameras.
Another great feature would be an adapter that would allow people to mount it to the
telescope where the lens attachment normally goes. If this is the case, then it
would be worth investing in it. I would then be able to take some great images from
the night sky and place them here.
Below are some images that I took back in the 1970's using a Minolta 35 mm camera with
black and white film, which I developed. The time period was between 1975 through
1977. One exception is the Christmas Eve morning of December 24, 1973. I was
in Fall River, MA and used my mom's regular camera with color film in it and snapped a
picture of the sun while holding a solar filter in front of the lens. Is was a
crystal clear day without any clouds. The result was a nice image of the partial
eclipse. |

The image above was a timed 5 minute exposure of a section of the Northern Sky as
seen in Fall River, MA
in August of 1975. There are a few interesting features here that I cannot
explain -- don't know what these are. Note the white "blotch" in the left
section of the image. Also take note to the line-like object in the upper center,
and just to the lower left of that object, there is what appears to be another
strange formation of stars that
almost seem to be in the mark of an "X". I have no idea what
these objects are. I developed this picture along
with the others shown below (except for the solar eclipse image which was a color
film and developed
professionally), myself. I even re-washed the negative and dried it, then made this
print again, and the
results were the same as you see above. Also take note that the rest of the stars in
this image show
no apparent movement of the camera during the process, yet these strange objects
still appear in the
configuration you see above. Very interesting uh? The mysteries of the universe seem
to be unlimited.

Moon Trail. A 2 hour timed
exposure taken in May, 1977 in Fall River, MA (my backyard). |

The image above shows the
Christmas Eve morning
Partial Solar Eclipse that took place on December 24, 1973.

The image above shows clouds moving
past the upper part of the moon.

Sunspot on the solar disk. The
scratches on the image above were from the negative. |
This page was last updated on Tuesday, December 10, 2024