

Atmosphere Tutorials

Here are a few tutorials that have been converted to HTML5 format.   The browsers that I have tested them on are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Crazy Browser.

Click on the Links Below:

How to Configure your hosts file to use the old yacp://atmosphere.adobe.com.

This tutorial is for users who may have great worlds, but no builder to change the yacp URL.

For Windows XP and XP-PRO


For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10


How to setup your control file (.ctl)

NOTE:  The .ctl file has the same name as your world, but the extention of this file ends with .ctl
e.g. Myworld.aer    Myworld.ctl



NOTE:  Firefox and Google Chrome no longer supports the use of IETab due to all the security features incorporated in these browsers.  This virtually kills Atmosphere if these browsers are used.

The solutions is to use the free "CrazyBrowser".  Click HERE to download it.   Always check downloaded files with your AntiVirus software.  I always check downloads myself.

Crazy browser will run in Windows XP, XP-Pro, Win 7 32bit, Win 7 64bit, Win 8, Win 8.1 and Windows 10.

It also runs in Windows 10's  Internet Explorer found in Windows Accessories unless a Windows Update changed it into Microsoft Edge.  This happened to me without my permission.  My solution was to remove the updates that caused this, and voila, the "About Internet Explorer" shows "Internet Explorer" again.  At this point, I deactivated Windows Update on my Windows 10 Laptop.  Atmosphere worlds now work on my Windows 10 using the Internet Exlorer (iexplore.exe)!

You must set the hosting website of the worlds using Compatability Mode.

The security features of Win 7 and up -- Protected Mode must be temporarily deactivated and Active X must be enabled in the settings.  Websites that contain Atmosphere Worlds must be entered as Safe Websites and/or Compatability Mode in the browser settings.

Once this is done, activate "Protected Mode" in the browser settings.


Video Tutorials on the various panels in atmosphere
(coming soon)

When visitors enter an Atmosphere world, you wear an avatar.  This avatar is a 3D graphical representation of you.

Video: How to Share and Receive Avatars

Docking Palettes is a very convenient way to access any menu such as Users, Avatars, Bookmarks, Controls, Setting Preferences, etc.

Video- How to Dock Palettes

OnScreen Menu is another option that is available in an Atmosphere World.  Users can Right-Click within the world window to open a hidden menu.

Video- How to access the On-Screen Menu

Bookmarks is like saving favorite websites.  In Atmosphere you can save favorite worlds to the panel.

How to Share / Receive Bookmarks

Setting Preferences is how users can set Hardware or Software Rendering, choose to save chatlogs, the speed at which avatars move in a world, etc.

Video- How to Set Personal Preferences

Special Options are available for Users, Avatars and the Bookmarks Panel.  The video above will show what these options are and how to use them while you are in an Atmosphere world.


Atmosphere Server 1.5  (Updated code)

The Atmosphere Collaboration Server Source Project allows communication with the 3D Atmosphere World. The chat function allows for collaboration as well as the user of Shared Objects & more.  The "AtmosphereServer1.tar.gz" is available for download.

The server source code is written in C.  You will need Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc. to unpack, install, configure several files for your site and compile.  Be sure to download the PDF files.

The "README_FIRST.pdf" has instructions that you must follow to be successful in configuring and running you own Atmosphere Collaboration Server.

A download link, username and password is provided below.  The server is free since it is open source.

I have corrected all errors but you may have to recompile it depending on what version of Linux you have.  Try the already compiled version provided.  If it does not work, then you will have to recompile.

My original compiled version was gcc.4.2.1.  This version does not appear to be available any more.  There is a latest version 4.7 or .8... which when I recompiled to run on CentOS 7.6, gave many warnings messages, but no errors.  The server has been running on a dedicated server for a while without any problems.

Video-  Atmosphere Server Tutorial (how to setup)
Coming soon!


The Atmosphere Server 1.5 may be downloaded by anyone running Linux. Click the DOWNLOAD button below:

SO01908A.gif (1856 bytes)

The Username is:     Atmo122012
The Password  is:    Atmo12182012
Download README_FIRST.pdf and  

** Remember!!  You will need a Linux Operating System for this server.  I use CentOS 5.9, but it will also work with other Linux Distributions, including Ubuntu, RedHat Linux, etc.  Most are free versions, so be sure to check it out before downloading.  Most are Open Source Operating Systems.


This page was last updated on Friday, February 21, 2025.