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Welcome to my hobby website
NOTE: Since I had "https" activated, several
functions no longer work!
In particular, the Adobe Atmosphere does not function properly.
Looks like I will have to contact my webhost to remove https and go back to http.

Chromakey effect shown above. |
This website
contains my hobbies, and has lots of information on how I was able to accomplish
everything you see here.
There are tutorials for the "Adobe Atmosphere" program which may be of help to
people who have it. Unfortunately, Adobe discontinued development in December of
2004. I believe it was technology ahead of its time, as the business world
apparently lacked interest in it. However, there are still individuals who use the
program and have a working Atmosphere Server. I am one such individual. I have
uploaded my copy to an external server and its open to the members of the Atmojunkies
Group on Facebook.
You can see by the tabs on the left side of this page that this site contains some
interesting items.
For more details, click my picture to the left of this box. |

This page was last updated on Thursday, December 12, 2024.